Commissioning definitely is the climax of engineering
For me commissionings are super exciting because that’s the magic moment when the result of long planning finally comes to life – or the moment of truth when small issues can get you into deep shit. Commissioning therefore also includes the systematic search for problems, so that all mistakes in engineering and planning are clearly revealed. And then a quick and pragmatic solution must be found to every problem.
Your customer has not bought a heap of iron, but above all a processing functionality. In this final project phase, all settings and adjustments are made to achieve the best possible performance.
With professional and qualified commissioning, I offer you the prerequisite for high customer satisfaction.

Plug & Play is always the wishful dream, but in reality this is completely impossible with process lines. According to Murphy’s Law, there are always some unforeseen problems and often the root cause is very difficult to pinpoint.
I offer professional troubleshooting for the entire range of process-related problems.

The starting point always is a detailed description of the problem. Then, for a structured root cause analysis, an overview of all possible causes should be established including own errors, already checked circumstances and very unlikely conditions. Through logic and targeted checking of the individual points, the root cause can be identified.
If the cause of the problem has been found, then usually a quick solution must be found. Besides process engineering, costs and time schedules must also be taken into account. Temporary solutions may help to get a production going again. But nothing lasts longer than a temporary solution – so it is very important to keep track of the final solution.
Tools & Toys
For me, developing Excel tools is kind of a counterpart to working as a project engineer.
Or maybe not? There are quite a few surprising parallels.
Like the planning of a processing plant, the development of such a tool requires a good concept and a structured approach. The appearance must be clear and easy to understand without additional explanations. For a successful tool inputs and outputs must be designed in a user-friendly way, because practical use stands and falls with the acceptance of the users.
Who doesn’t know tables that are full of errors in their initial state. On the one hand, a tool must be error-tolerant,
so that, for example, entering text in a number field does not mess up the whole spreadsheet;
on the other hand, errors must be visible, so the user can realize when he cannot trust the result.
And like a process plant, a computing tool must also be commissioned and thoroughly tested
before it can be handed over to all users.
Even the Excel model of a process can start to oscillate. In this case, the solution logically comes from process engineering and not from mathematics: the values must be damped.