I was born in 1957 and grew up in southern Germany.
After graduating from high school, I experienced on two big trips to Nepal (by car) and to the Sahara (hitchhiking) that I can find my way anywhere in the world even with minimal resources.

What was initially more of a joke soon turned out to be an excellent decision: As a passionate milk drinker, I decided to study food engineering at the TU Munich – Weihenstephan with a focus on dairy. Throughout my professional career I benefited enomously from these very versatile studies.

My first job took me to the packaging company PKL (today Combibloc) to develop aseptic processes.

Further stations were the companies APV (today SPX) and Kalinox (nocado group), where I was involved as a project engineer in the planning and commissioning of process plants on an international scale.

Since 2002 I have been dealing with separators and butter machines at XYZ and in addition to the process expertise I have also acquired Siemens programming skills Step7 & TIA.

Even in our everyday lives, there are always moments when – with all due respect for proven solutions – we should question old approaches and break new ground. The well-known phrase „we’ve always done it that way“ must not be used as a Joker argument against development and innovation.

My concern is always to look for new ways, both on a small and large scale, to test them, to develop them further and to promote new approaches if they have proven successful.

For more than 20 years I was part of a wonderful XYZ team. Even after passing my personal expiry date,
I don’t want to miss the fun of work and commissioning adventures.
Therefore, since  01.07.2023 I’m offering my services as a freelancer.

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