Troubleshooting fresh cheese separator:
Investigating the root causes of product deposits and operating time problems.

Design of a heat exchanger:
Design of a highly efficienct heat exchanger for bakery ovens in Argentina on behalf of the SES Bonn.
Commisioning in Spain:
A butter plant for 6,000 kg/h with dosing station, butter silo and 2 butter pumps.

Commissioning of a milk standardizing unit
in Germany
Commissioning support for a butter machine:
Process optimisation, control loops fine tuning, acceptance run of a butter plant in Germany

Commissioning in Poland:
An AMF plant for the production of 4 t/h butter oil.

Program description
with FDS Tool
Commissioning in Northern Ireland:
One buffer tank unit for 5 pasteurisers
and one cream pasteuriser 7,500 l/h.
Remote commissioning in Chile:
Expansion of two standardizing units, each with a third additive dosing line and optimisation of the controls with continuous measurement of protein and fat.

2 webinars:
Worldwide milk standardizing training
for service engineers
Process optimizing:
Finetuning of an ESL milk pasteurizer 6,500 l/h
with standardizing unit in Switzerland.

Re-commissioning in Romania:
Relocation of a 700 kg/h double cream
fresh cheese plant from another dairy.
Remote commissioning in Chile:
Expansion of a 50,000 l/h milk pasteurizer plant
by a third additive dosing unit in the standardizing system.

Commissioning in Belarus:
Combined milk pasteurizer and thermizer 35,000 l/h
with 3 separators and integrated standardizing sytem.
2 webinars:
Worldwide milk standardizing training
for service engineers